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Spectrometry - Spectrophotometry : EXP200140 or EXP200141

Quantité : caddie Ajouter au devis

Référence : EXP 200 140

Spectrometry - Spectrophotometry : EXP200140 or EXP200141 2/4

The SPID spectrometer is designed to study simple components belonging to the light spectrum of various light sources: spectral lamps, steady sources, lasers, standard lamps, etc. It is also used to study filters, solid or not, in transmission or absorption. An absorption model allows you to implement with ease Beer Lambert’s law and to observe chemical kinetic curves. Supplied with feedback material, this device will also provide you with ideas to implement your own hands-on exercises.


Optical fibres allow great freedom of movement. Used for demonstrations during classes, they will let you move
from source to source easily. The simple, intuitive software, with its multi-station system, allows measurement and
superimposition of curves. It is ideal for showing the gases making up different bulbs, such as mercury in energy saving
light bulbs. Combined with a video projector, the SPID spectrometer will prove indispensable in your classes. Three
display modes, simple, coloured and spectroscope mode, are available.


To study colour filters, all you need is a continuous Spectrum source, normally a halogen, two optical stands and a
fibre-holder token delivered with the spectrophotometer. The software allows you to create a reference and to implement solid or liquid filters by simply positioning them in front of the motionless fibre. The transmission or absorption curve is immediately displayed on the screen. You can show colour synthesis in a new way and study the principle of interference filters.


Previously, your students were not necessarily able to build p a scientific approach using kinetics. You had to teach them
a Lambda max. Henceforward, you can ask them to choose hemselves a lambda according to the data of the product to
be studied, before going back to the exact lambda max that hey are now able to measure. All this is thanks to the fact that
the spectrophotometer observes all wavelengths in real-time and displays them in 3D. You can now browse through your cquisition at any time and at all wavelengths.


»»3D chemical kinetics study
»»Coloured filter spectrum study
»»Line spectrum study
»»Beer Lambert’s law
»»Solar spectrum
»»Wien’s law
»»Reflection spectrum analysis
»»Sodium absorption peak
»»Colour temperature
»»Device calibration and uncertainty


EXP200141 Spectrometry, Spectrophotometry (BASIC)
Reference Description quantity
POF010361 Superior Spectrophotometer (with linear sensitivity colorimetry) 1
DPO020200 Halogen lantern 1
POD010110 Basic component holder 1
POD002192 Half-moon stand 3
POD060230 Basic plate holder 1
POM052022 Plastic red filter 1
POM052023 Plastic blue filter 1
POM052024 Plastic yellow filter 1
POM052025 Plastic green filter 1

Computer is required

EXP200140 Spectrometry, Spectrophotometry (COMPLETE)
Reference Description quantity
POF010361 Superior Spectrophotometer (with linear sensitivity colorimetry) 1
POD010050 Mercury spectral lamp, low pressure 1
POD010058 Sodium spectral lamp, low pressure 1
DPO020200 Halogen lantern 1
POD010110 Basic component holder 1
POD002192 Half-moon stand 3
POD060230 Basic plate holder 1
POD010572 Green interference filter - 546 nm 1
POM052022 Plastic red filter 1
POM052023 Plastic blue filter 1
POM052024 Plastic yellow filter 1
POM052025 Plastic green filter 1

Computer is required

Spectrometry - Spectrophotometry : EXP200140 or EXP200141 3/4

Spectrometry - Spectrophotometry : EXP200140 or EXP200141 4/4

Quantité : caddie Ajouter au devis

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