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Microwave study : EXP400010

Quantité : caddie Ajouter au devis

Référence : EXP 400 010

Microwave study : EXP400010 2/4

The microwave study package is an outstanding tool for understanding wave phenomena. It also offers an excellent comparison with geometric optic experiments. This system allows you to implement diffraction, interference and polarisation experiments, as well as to install a Michelson. You can also study standing waves and plot the radiation pattern of a horn antenna. All data captured by these two receivers are legible directly on the power pack digital display.


We speak of interferences when two waves of the same type meet and interact with each other. While this phenomenon
frequently appears optically with light waves, it also occurs with electromagnetic waves of other wavelengths. The bench and its goniometric coupling allow you to implement easily all interference and diffraction operations. Slits can be adjusted to implement a number of different widths, both in single and double slits.


It can be proved that diodes are polarised linearly by using the comb, consisting of parallel metal bars with 0.5 cm
spacing. When the bars are vertical, the wave passes, but when they are horizontal, the wave ceases to pass. Using the
receiver graduation system, Malus’s law can be quantitatively performed. The digital display is used to read each value


A tunnel effect case with the paraffin prisms and the detection kit can be shown. The first prism is placed in a configuration where the receiver no longer receives signals (total reflection). The diffracted signal is no longer or only barely perceived by the receiver. When the second prism is added behind the first, we observe that the receiver once again picks up a signal. This signal is transmitted by tunnel effect.


»»Microwave linear propagation
»»Reflection, absorption and transmission
»»Diffraction and interference
»»Standing waves
»»Tunnel effect


Reference Description quantity
PED022160 Detection kit 1
PED022162 Paraffin prism 2
PBU070300 "V"-bench, with goniometric coupling and 2 riders 1
PED022163 Slits and multi-slits 1
PED022164 Metallic screen 1
PED022165 Wooden screen 1
PED022166 Polarization comb 1
POD002192 Half-moon stand 4

Microwave study : EXP400010 3/4

Microwave study : EXP400010 4/4

Quantité : caddie Ajouter au devis

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