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BICSIN-S300 Instrumented load bench for AC or DC machines - Motor/Load bench

Quantité : caddie Ajouter au devis

Référence : ELS 320 000

BICSIN-S300 Instrumented load bench for AC or DC machines - Motor/Load bench 2/4

It works, in accordance with the standard SELV « Safety Extra-Low Voltage, 48 VDC and 24 VAC », at voltage rates avoiding to use complex and expensive electrotechnic tables.
Many configurations are available for the type of rotating machines (3-phase, direct, brushless).
The load is an active load (brushless motor controlled by an industrial Siemens variator).
Many programmable modes are available (constant, as a function of the speed, square of the speed...).
Measures of the mechanical values (speed, torque, mechanical power..)

→ For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

fichier Télécharger la documentation complète (Haute définition).

BICSIN-S300 Instrumented load bench for AC or DC machines - Motor/Load bench 3/4

BICSIN-S300 Instrumented load bench for AC or DC machines - Motor/Load bench 4/4

Quantité : caddie Ajouter au devis

  Spécialiste en Ingénierie Pédagogique en
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Nous sommes concepteurs et fabricants.
Z.A. de la clé Saint Pierre 5, rue du Groupe Manoukian
78990 ELANCOURT (France)
Phone : + Mail:didalab@didalab.fr
Electrical Engineering


Energy & Systems