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Free fall

Quantité : caddie Ajouter au devis

Référence : PHM 022 420

Free fall 2/4

Apparatus for the study of Free fall

This device is mainly composed of:
- A 20x20mm aluminium profile tube structure (L = 140 cm) with mm graduation over 1.3 m.
- A release device (ball) made of a solenoid.
- An acquisition system made of 2 optical forks and a software running with Windows.

Chronoo software :
The ChronooV2 software allows to recover the times corresponding to the passage of the ball in front of each fork.
It can be connected to the acquisition box without needing any particular driver.
Once the acquisition is done, it allows a calculation aid and deduces the speeds of the ball when passing the forks, as well as their position.
The readings can be recorded and exported in CSV in order to make the exploitations and plots under a spreadsheet.

Optional extra :
As an optional extra, you can have a LCD screen with display of the passage times

Free fall 3/4

Free fall 4/4

Quantité : caddie Ajouter au devis

  Spécialiste en Ingénierie Pédagogique en
Sciences Physiques, Génie Electrique &Télécoms .
Nous sommes concepteurs et fabricants.
Z.A. de la clé Saint Pierre 5, rue du Groupe Manoukian
78990 ELANCOURT (France)
Phone : + Mail:didalab@didalab.fr
Electrical Engineering


Energy & Systems